Psub <.PsubName.>[(ParamList)] ... [Return] ... EndPsub
Parameters: NONE
Returns: NONE

      Psubs (protected sub-routines) can be called from different locations in a program. A Psub is a routine that returns a value after it executes. For example:

I = MyPsub()

     calls MyFunction and assigns the result to I. Psub calls cannot appear on the left side of an assignment statement. Psubs that don't return a value can be used as complete statements. For example,


     calls the MyPsub routine. Psubs can call themselves recursively.

     A Psub is declared with the Psub keyword, followed by the psub name and a list of optional parameters (seperated my commas). The Psub ends with the EndPsub statement that can be followed by a value or expression that will be returned. You can exit a Psub from anywhere in the code with Return, but you cannot return a value or expression this way.


      * Protected Subroutine declaration keywords (Psub & EndPsub) can not be indented.

      * You can return multiple values from a Psub. To do so, list the variables or arrays after the EndPsub statement.

      * All local variables declared within Protected Subroutines are STATIC, so they retain their value between calls.

      * See the Functions&PSub tutorial for more details about Functions and Psubs.

Mini Tutorial:

      This example demonstrates calling PSUB's.

; Call the Psubs
; Call sub that returns 3 variables
  MyLife, MyName$, MyFloatValue# = MoreReturnValues()
; Display the returned values
  Print MyLife
  Print MyName$
  Print MyFloatValue#
; Display the Screen and wait for the user to press a key
; A Psub that does Not Return a value
Psub NoReturnValue()
  Print "This Psub doesn't return anything"
; A Psub that conditionally exits
Psub ExitEarly(AValue)
  If AValue = 5
     Print "I exit with Return"
  Print "I exit with EndPsub"
; A Psub that returns three values
Psub MoreReturnValues()
  Life = 42
  Name$ = "Deep Thought"
  SomeFLoat#=     4.321
EndPsub Life, Name$, SomeFloat#

This example would output.

  This Psub doesn't Return anything
  I Exit with EndPsub
  I Exit with Return
  Deep Thought

Related Info: EndFunction | Function | Functions&Psub | Gosub | Psub | Return :

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